Monday, October 20, 2003

Keje lambat

I've been spared from working early mornings this week. Good thing is I clocked in as late as 1pm... but of course, I end late too.

Fasting month around the corner. Yep, Ramadhan will be here in 7 days! Unlike previous years, I haven't had a chance to 'warm-up' my system. Mmm about time I start doing so but urrrrghhhh whenn?!!?? Fasting this time round is definitely gonna be a challenge especially with my new job. Oh god... cobaaan!

Chatting with Makcik right now. Ramadhan has yet to begin and us ladies have started planning to break fast with our frens. Kihkihkih... =)

Maybe I should fast this Thursday. Hmmmmmm................ ah well, sleep on it.