Hehehe... need I say more? Weeks back when Ros and I submitted our timesheet, we calculated that we would be getting mere hundreds. It's a temp job after all and we would be kidding nobody but ourselves if we hoped too high.
Well, Ros had her day off. But she was called down to take her medical check-up. Her contract ends this Friday and she was offered to sign on as a perm staff. Cool huh?
Anyway, both of us nearly fainted upon updating our bank book. Why? Kihkihkih... like happy children we withdrew money right away, (believe me, it's a reality check!) then made our way to finance office to collect our payslips.
Double WOW! It felt so wonderful to see that all those OTs done were paid accordingly. Shocking too as CPF deductions & donations were not missed. For the time being, I conclude that the miscalculations were due to some unknown factors.
In the meanwhile, let me enjoy my MONEY! :P