Ramadhan is here! Happy fasting to all Muslims...
Had trouble sleeping yesterday... managed to doze off around 3am. I don't drink coffee and work is too relaxed for me to even worry. Plain tired from the outing I guess. I was hoping to start work at 9am to claim OT but only managed to arrive before my scheduled time - 11am.
Collected my work schedule for next week. Alhamdullilah, this time round my work is from 9am - 4.30pm. Cool huh? Ros is not so fortunate though. She got the afternoon shift. Starting tomorrow, my patience will really be tested to the max handling those visitors. Shall see how it goes...
With the month of October coming to an end, we have 2 new staff joining us. Just when I thought "ah finally! we have attained the full strength required", I was told by my colleagues that 2 of our team members are resigning. Sigh... back to square one.
Of course I can always look at it from the financial perspective - higher chances of doing OT! The arrival of Ramadhan usually means reduced meal expenses so... More OT + Less meals = More shopping?? Kihkihkih I've better stop speculating! =)