No new Baju Kurung this year!!!
Came to work slightly dazed... my Raya mood is here! My supervisor had told my cheeky team leader to give Ros & I 2 days' off beginning tomorrow. Added on with my off day for the week, I have 3. Ros has 5!
My intention to shop yesterday was put off. Today, I forced myself to do last minute shopping. Had in mind to go Geylang but... again?! In the end, I resorted to Causeway Point - nearer to home. Headed straight to Hejab Iran... what a disappointment! Given any other day, I would have bought a few as my work attire. Designs were plain and simple, colours were pastels and my hopes dashed. Even the tudongs were pitiful.
Next stop - RH Fashion. Far contrast. Bright, glittery, colourful baju kurungs... kebayas... I had paged my Dad earlier hoping that he could come down and be my shopping companion. No calls returned so I didn't buy any.
Truth is... where clothes are concern especially like baju kurungs or pantsuits, I must have someone around to comment. I had bought my pantsuit days earlier while shopping with Ros (the additional 2 tops that came along was another story!). Otherwise, even if I had gone to Geylang alone I would have left empty-handed.
Last stop - shop beside RH Fashion (forgot name). Surprisingly this shop was the most packed compared to the previous 2 shops. I had made up my mind not to look for any more kebayas, pantsuits or baju kurungs. Went tudung-hunting instead. Found one. No blemishes watsoever. Paid for it and left.
Later after dinner, my family is going out. Gonna do early Raya visiting to my grandma's house. Unlike Raya in the past, my uncles and aunts will be coming to my house on the first day - Dad being the eldest sibling.
It will be a while before I update my blog again... bear with it. Hereby wishing all Muslims - Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. May all your good deeds in Ramadhan diberkatiNya. To the non-Muslims - Happy Holidays! =)