Back to work...
Having lost touch with work for 5 days, I came to work this week like a new staff. Thankfully there wasn't any new policies implemented... or I would be completely lost!
I'm still coughing now and then. My voice is hoarse thanx to the sore throat. But I have no more lozenges to suck. Stinky doc gave only 8 tablets to be eaten 3 times a day!
Leaking faucet (my nose) has stopped too though I have blocked nose every morning now. Luckily it clears once I have taken a shower.
As for my cough, well at least it's not dry anymore (AMMIINN!!). That was the main reason why my throat started hurting. The sound of my cough now is iirrkk... like one big load of thick phelgm stuck at my voicebox. Sigh...