Borders tonight...
No work today. Not staying home anyway. Meeting Yusman & Minah tonight @ Orchard for yearly review of our financial status. It was only when Yusman smsed me that I realised... hmmm, almost a year since I signed up those policies. But somehow I don't feel myself saving as much as I try to pyscho myself. More like a fixed monthly expenditure. Kihkih!
This time round, I requested that we meet in Orchard. I have a Borders voucher that is untouched and expiring soon. Shouldn't be a problem finding the items I want to buy. I just hope I can make up my mind. =)
Gotta wish Mahanom a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I think Makcik is meeting her after work to celebrate... and shop? ;-) By their powers combined... they are shopping QUEENZ! Shopping - their therapy, their lifelines, their stress-relievers, their hobbies. They circle the shopping malls like bees to flowers before settling down. The last time I followed, I almost got a headache. Nowadays, when they 'tawaf' I will find a seat and watch them from afar. Nothing enriching but no harm observing the various shopping antics displayed. At times, comical. At other times, unbelievable.
Even as I am typing away on my lappy about shopping, Orchard and all, subconsciously I'm shaking my head and saying "Gosh gal, you have got a busy life!". My current shift work is robbing away my free time. But had I been given office hours, I would have used my free time to tutor students. Hahaha =P Otherwise, I will sleep.
One of these days, I will have to go out and just do nothing. Yep definitely. Gotta do some soul-searching before I go crazy. Anyway I browse thru and found this quiz on soul thingy...

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla