Food... glorious food. 'Rijsttafel' (?!) @ Suntec =P
Half day work today. Unlike the 2 weeks ago, many of my colleagues were working. Apparently some were doing OT, the rest had taken their off last week to tie-in with Good Friday.
Work was definitely relaxed. Punched in my timecard @ 8.30am and by noon, Rose & Azura called. They had started work @ 8am. Azura asked if I was interested to go for facial. Me?! Heehee... It was free.
I talked to Rose and asked if she was coming along. She didn't want to. Persuaded her like crazy and she finally relented. Once work ended @ 12.30pm, I dashed out and met them. Travelled all the way to Jurong in a car, (interior modified like sports car but I looked at the gears; auto. ler...) courtesy of the lady who invited Azura.
I'm definitely not into facials and stuff, even if it's free. But I was having a dinner treat in town later and the idea of going home before going out again put me off. Doesn't matter if I have to be out from morning till midnite, but don't make me return home just to go out again. Uurrgghh!
Accompanied Azura... but Rose & I ended up getting facials. I definitely do not feel my face getting pampered. So many products for one miserable square area of skin *roll eyes*. As expected, time taken was just nice. I reached City Hall @ 6.15pm. Fairus & Azhar arrived half an hour later. Quickly hurried to 'Rijsttafel' @ Suntec as reservations made was for 5 people @ 7pm. Fairus' 2 other frens arrived after us.
Waiters started serving us dishes. The portions were measly and initially I thought it was a case of daylight robbery. Finally when everything was served, I was stunned. Small portions no doubt, but many many dishes. Buffet dinner mind you... how on earth are we going to finish all of them? I felt full just looking at them! Hahahaha...
Thank God there were guys around. We managed to finish all dishes and even requested for extras before leaving the restaurant and hurried to the washrooms. Completely forgot to bring my digicam. Used Fairus' digicam instead to take pics of those food and us eating there. Happy Birthday Fairus!