Birthday Treat 1!
Minah called me on Thursday requesting that I helped her out with some task... so reported for 'work' this morning. Not feeling well though. Nose was kinda runny and unfortunately it got work during lunch break. Uurrgghh aaachoo!
Makcik, Minah, Mahanom & I were supposed to meet @ 6pm in Plaza Singapura later. Around 3pm, Minah smsed to say that she wasn't feeling well. By 5pm, I had a blocked nose. Better than a runny nose! Even the receptionist commented on my non-stop sneezing.
I did as much work as I could. They tried to hold me back but no no no... 6pm is the limits! Cleared up Minah's office table, left her a note and took bus service 190 straight to Orchard. Makcik & Mahanom were waiting for me in Takashimaya. They gave me a birthday treat! Initial plan was to head down to Swensens near Crown Hotel but there was such a long queue... we took a bus down to Plaza Singapura instead. The Swensens @ Plaza Singapura had a relatively shorter queue (during which Makcik managed to shop and buy a tissue box cover!).
Makcik & I took pics of our food as dinner was served. Poor Mahanom had to bear with us. Hahahaha =) We ate, joked and talked so much. Stopped for a while and my birthday ice-cream cake was served! I knew Makcik had something up her sleeves... she was whispering to the waitress during orders, whispering again after our dinner and pushed all our glasses to clear the centre of the table. Of course when I asked her, she answered nothing. Took more pics again, cut and ate the cake.
Didn't realise the time till a waitress came to our table to ask if we had any last order to be made. Ooppss! Almost 10pm. By this time, my rounds of sneezing had started again. Drank hot water, Mahanom paid the bill and we left for the ladies. Pakcik arrived and drove us home. THANK YOU LADIES for the birthday treat!