More Neon Tetras in Plan.
Slept earlier than usual last night as I had relief tuition from 1pm - 5pm. Got up, showered, got ready and then my stomach grumbled. Stomachache now?! Luckily the place was in Bukit Panjang itself... I finally arrived @ 1.30pm. Sorry!
The same Pri 4 boy was again by himself in the class. Last week's lesson with him was dreadful as he was so quiet. Gonna be different this time round and it did! =) Rasyid finally talked. Phew!
Next class was a group of Pri 6 students. Would have loved to play games with them but abandoned the idea. Gave them mid-year revision paper instead.
Once tuition was over, I lingered around Bangkit. Stopped by the pets shop and bought neon tetras for Dayah. 3 for $1! Goodness... with the $4 I spent on 2 cardinals, I could have bought 12 neons!
Headed to Minah's house. Her mum and brothers were leaving for a function but she was staying put at home. Watched 'Plan' on her new dvd player. A funny story.
Beautiful full moon as I left her house. Tried to capture a picture of it but it turned out smaller and blurred. As good as the digicam is, it cannot beat my eyesight (God given). Now in the midst of typing this entry, I'm beginning to panic. Why? Because I don't know if I have work in Woodlands tomorrow. It's already too late to call and confirm. Sigh... I will just sms Leili and set my alarm for 7am. Good night!