Makcik's new house!
Went to Makcik's new house! Big, bright, cool place. It's in the same cluster as Mak Ngah's house and I realised it only on my way home.
This afternoon, Makcik suggested to come over tonight instead of tomorrow. Luckily I checked the street directory or I would have lost my way based on Makcik's directions. My dear... your house is 2 stops after V Point. =)
Best of all, Hansem boi was around! He used to call me Aunty Achar. Has since changed to Aunty Sha. Now I'm A-sha. Pronouncing my name is a mouthful for him now. He's barely 2 years old. Cheeky boy!
Got to watch 'The Apprentice' while eating Super Supreme pizza. Played with Hansem boi and his new BIG bike and BIG ball. I had told Makcik earlier on that I wanted to sign my intials on the wall before I leave. In the end, I completely forgot.
All because of Hansem boi...