Steering off...
Makcik smsed me this morning to say that she was on medical leave. Again?! Poor lady has got a sore throat. Woohoo! Such music to my ears! Unfortunately her fingers typed just as much while I was chatting online with her. To think she was sick... =P
I'm hardly my normal self when I'm sick. Most of the time I will be lying on my bed sleeping. No TV, no radio, no surfing the Internet, etc. If possible, I would even close my bedroom door to shut all noises. That's sick. Well at least that's how my family members know I am anyway. Unless I'm lying sick in bed, I won't stay put at home. Heehee! Despite any illness, I have common symptoms - fever, blocked/stuffed nose, headache, vomitting. Irksome but tell me, how can I be myself in that state?
I got to know Makcik. I got to know Minah. Their definition of 'sick' changed mine. They can be sick and still go out to shop, to dine, to play, to watch a movie, to walk, to talk, to enjoy! Wah! I want to be sick like them too! Hahaha! =)
Perhaps with age, my body has got stronger. Or maybe it's due to their indirect influence, but thankfully I rarely get full-blown sickness now. So... the next time you see me at home like a potato couch watching a Hindi movie on vcd with a hot mug of cereal and a blocked/stuffed nose, beware... I'm sick! =p