What's the date today?
Had to report for work in HQ @ Bedok this morning. Luckily bumped into Elly @ the bus stop. We managed to grab our breakfast before settling down to work. GM arrived, instructed me to tabulate the inventory and I spent hours on the PC.
The first time I came down to the office was during the interview. Then, I saw at least 5 staffs. Now it's just Elly and the GM.
Time really flies when one is hard at work. I went out for lunch with Elly @ Simpang Bedok. Finished our noodles and drink in 1/2 hour. Headed back to office and slogged till 8pm. By then, many of the directors had come and left. SL & the GM were the only ones still in the office. They gave me fare to take a cab home. =) Thanx!
Whatever it is... I definitely owe Sayang a good treat.