Juz when I'm so looking forward...
Office has 2 new staff now. The guy is handling all catering orders and the young gal is doing admin. I'm still getting to know them but it seems like the guy knows his stuffs. From my point of view anyway. As for the gal, I only hope that as time passes she will pick up the pace and be diligent in work.
Definitely happy that office has more people. Happy that work is gaining momentum too. I've lost count of the days that I left office beyond 6pm but if this is what it takes to set things right and running smoothly, damn well we all will.
I burnt my 2 days of Raya working. I've not worn my baju Raya at all this week. Hope to be able to do so this weekend. In the meantime... gotta start drinking hot drinks again. I've started coughing and my throat is itching. Mmm...
"A moral society will live. But when its moral threads break, so will its people."