Family Bowling
Dad wanted to bowl. We walked from home to BP Plaza and met up with Ain & Jeff @ bowling alley. Other than Mum who opted out and chose to watch us play, Dayah was working and couldn't join us.
First round - Jeff won. Dad wasn't too far behind him. Ain was third. I was last. Dad realised my mistake nearing the 8th ball but I couldn't catch up. Dad suggested a 2nd round.

Second round - I won. Jeff was leading when the ball slipped from his hand. It rolled straight to the gutter and Ain laughed out so loud that we laughed too! =) Jeff threw 2 more gutter balls and dropped to last.

It was only after the game that Ain mentioned... winner is to treat the family dinner. What kind of a rule is that?! Even Mum found it odd. Nonetheless, we grabbed our dinner in Sakura Restaurant and sprinted our way home to catch our Maghrib prayers.
Dad has set aside another date for bowling. Tentatively on National Day. Dayah... make yourself free. Ain, next time... loser's treat. =P