Lurvely time, Pweeety blink!
Makcik smsed me last night to say that she was meeting up with Naz & Maya. Juz no idea where to eat yet. I told her I could only reached Causeway Point @ 8pm, earliest.
I left the office a quarter after six. Bus 10 came right after that. I switched buses and dozed off. I woke up and I was already in Woodlands @ 7.30pm! Woah!
Peered into Pizza Hut. No queue but lots of busy eaters inside. No signs of Makcik, Naz or Maya. Mmm... took my time to return a library book, called Makcik again, etc. The waiting queue at Pizza Hut has since lengthened. Looking at those hungry faces one by one, I saw Maya & Naz. =)
Finally the 5 of us gathered for dinner, gossips and what-nots. Chaos! Words flew freely uncensored (haha!), giggles & so much laughters that the couple at the next table kept looking at us. =P
Thank you dear ladies =)