A very Happy, happy 25th birhtday to you, SHSUYA!
Nothing spectacular compared to what you did. None the less, best wishes for you still. =)

25 things to do before you are 25
1. Fall in Love.
Fell in, out and all over. =P
2. Ride a bicycle.
Learnt to ride in Dad's school.
3. Swim.
My uncle's idea of learning to swim is by throwing you into the sea. Proper training happened when I joined swimming classes at age of 9.
4. Kiss someone.
Lotsa peeps.
5. Ride a motorcycle.
Haha. Yep and flew like a SuperGal too.
6. Have a night out with your friends - just talking.
Priceless moments.
7. Try alcohol (and realize that getting drunk is just not worth it).
8. Learn to play a musical instrument - at least try.
Dad enrolled me into piano classes after hearing me played "Mary had a little lamb" on his old pianica.
9. Play your favorite game for a whole day.
I played "The Sims" for half a day.
10. Read "The Godfather" and "Love Story".
11. Learn to cook.
Mum's fren gave her recipe of spaghetti. Ain & I went grocery shopping and cooked it on our own for 3 weekends before we tried something else. Back then it was a big deal for us. =)
12. Skydive.
13. Watch the sunrise.
During those days when I often camped out. Doesn't appear the same in pictures.
14. Resist trying smoking-you will thank yourself for the rest of your life.
I experimented with a huff and a puff and a penknife to split the cigarette open.
15. Go to a rock show.
16. Trek - Climb a mountain.
Bukit Timah only.
17. Smell a Rose.
Yep. ;-)
18. Shave your head or grow your hair extra long.
Grow my hair extra long after college.
19. Write a poem/song.
Poems, for the heck of it.
20. Drench yourself in the rain.
Several times.
21. Eat the cheapest meal you can find.
White rice with long beans, bagedil (mashed potato), sambal tumis kacang & lemak gravy for $2.00
22. Gate-crash into a party.
Not me.
23. Go regularly to the gym for at least three months.
Yep. Jiamei and I used to go to the school gym after classes.
24. Learn your favourite song by heart.
By hearing.
25. Walk a mile - alone.
I forgot my wallet and farecard ran low. Walked home from CCK Interchange. That's how I got my time-out sessions.