Never forgotten, Amin
I lost touch with one of my younger cuz, Amin. I don't think we met during last year's Hari Raya. Even if we did, I couldn't remember. Did we?
Out of the blue, I was added into his MSN contacts. His email was unfamiliar and his brother didn't even bother to inform me. My jaw dropped to the table when I received a very personal message from this 'unknown userID'. It was a momentarily terrifying experience...
Once all clouds of doubt were cleared, I was jubilant. Looks like I was not forgotten. Ha ha ok ok, it was nice to 'hear' from him too. Whatever little time we had, we gave our updates. I could hardly believe my eyes to know that this cuz of mine is now a smart lad going thru NS. Wasn't it only yesterday that he aspires to be the next Superman? =P
Amin, you have no excuse now for not turning up!