3 Iftars
This year I made it a point to return home to break fast with my family. Other than those times when I had no choice but to break fast in my classes, I actually did it! And of course, with the exception of 2(+1) iftars that happens without fail every year. =)
For some odd reasons, AMPYC iftar and BT iftar always clashed. This year, I finally had iftar with the AMPYC gang @ Beach Road last Saturday.

On Sunday, I had a mini iftar with Khai. Julie backed out at the last minute. My 2 new-found friends that I got to know of while working in PG. We made reservations and even placed our orders in Yishun's Sakura restaurant. But the place was so packed. For the first time in my life, I break fast with Tom Yam seafood soup. Haha! My cup of tea was served much later. None the less, the staff did an excellent service recovery by going around each table to enquire if all orders were received. By 7.05pm, all tables were happily tucking in. Excellent!
Finally this evening, I had my iftar with the BT gang. We gathered in Masjid Sultan for our Maghrib prayers before heading down to Amirah's Grill to break our fast. Having opted for their buffet, we were given a table on their 2nd storey. We had our rounds of food & drinks before the guys requested for Sheesha. I dunno if the Don skipped his other appointment because of his 'broken horse' or because of us. Heehee! But he only left his seat with the rest of us @ 11pm. 12 years of friendship... and still going strong. =)
Now, with hardly less than 10 days to Hari Raya Aidilfitri I can safely assume that everyone is going to be very busy... "be it to rob a bank for Raya money, buy last minute Raya clothes or bake Raya kuihs". =P
To all my Muslim frens:
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Minal Aidil Wal Faizin.