Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Paperbag Head

Good mood this morning. Weather's good and I'm feeling good. I arrived at the bus stop and within minutes, I saw the bus approaching. Very good!

I could see plenty of empty seats in the bus. Better yet, I was standing right in front of the queue. Surprisingly there were hardly anyone else waiting for the bus. Well, 4 or 5 at most.

Bus stopped. Door opened. I boarded up the bus and tapped my EZlink card. It beeped. Not the usual single beep I expected. A series of beeps. Insufficient value stored in card. Shoved my hand into my pocket. Not a single coin!

I alighted. Door closed. Bus left.

Few aunties sitting at the bus stop looked at me. Oh god... where's the paperbag?

Good mood this morning? No mood. No mood.