Fathers' Day Bowling
Earlier this month, my sister placed an invitation card on my table. The front cover read "Invitation Card from Baby Ehsan".
Inside were 2 pictures - one of my nephew and the other a bridal photoshot of my sister. Content of the card was "Baby Muhammad Ehsan & Ibu Ain invites you: Aunty Lisa to bowling and a meal @ Swensen's in celebration of Father's Day." Stated was also the date, time & venue.
Coming from my sister, the out-of-the-blue art attack was creative. My parents & youngest sister too received the cards. She had mentioned the idea (i.e the celebration) to me during one of our online chats and I had to agree that the bowling activity is timely. Other than mom who doesn't bowl, I bet the rest of us were itching to either bowl the pins or down the gutter.
We reached BP plaza @ 2.30pm. Squeezed in 3 rounds of bowling before we headed to Swensens for our 4.30pm super early dinner.
During my birthday dinner celebration last month, the 2 mothers got treated. This time round, the 2 fathers got their treat.
Happy Father's Day, Dad. =)

I tot I took a pic of Jeff... Can't seem to find it now.