Eye see you
When I was young(er), I used to think that wearing glasses is cool. Something about the way bespectacled people look... or is it because of the sheer fact that they own glasses. I didn't see it as an aid. In my eyes it was a gadget like iPod or digicam.

In any case, that fascination soon wore off. During my teens, I watched how my parents and my younger sister had to go thru eye check-ups and optician visits. Cases of losing specs, accidentally sitting on their specs, forgetting to bring their specs, etc. Not forgetting the price of a pair of good & nice glasses. In my family, only my younger sister suffered myopia. So while my parents were contented enough to have specs for their hyperopia, my younger sister resorted to wearing contacts. Short lived moment. She scratched her eye while taking off her contacts one day.
Nowadays it's common to see people with coloured contacts. As often as I see people with coloured braces. It's a fad. Some people with perfect eyesight wear coloured contacts too.
It's something that I will never understand for now. Given the kind of care regime one has to dutifully do to avoid swollen red puffy eyes, the amount spend on those products, don't they find it a hassle? But like what one friend told me... "One of the many things we endure to look good".
Ah... I see.