13 months and cute than ever...
Ever since Md Ehsan started growing teeth, his drooling ceased. Recently it started again. Could it be that more teeth are sprouting?

If he insists on something, he will not be happy till he holds it. Things like handphones, digicams, combs, keys... you can't bluff him with the toy versions.

Oh, his crawling speed is way way way faster. Imagine this:
1. He turns his head towards the door once he hears the keys rattling against the gate. Mind you I'm outside.
2. The door goes "Ding Dong" as I swung it open. I enter the house and sees this little boy peering over the edge of the sofa. Time freeze...
3. He drops everything in his hands and zooms! I turn my back to close the gate, lock the gate, close and lock the door. By the time I turn to him again, he has cornered me.

He enjoys bathing time now. Put him in the tub and he will slap his hands in the water, splashing water all over. He goes "Eeee" to brush his 4 front teeth. But screams when anyone towel-dries his hair.

He doesn't enjoy purees and soft foods anymore. His current diet is porridge, plain bread and slightly mushy foods. The idea of biting into food thrills him, including biting grandma's finger while brushing!

He has yet to make his own first step. It used to be that he walked only when we held both hands. Nowadays I can hold just one hand to get him to follow me. His standing balance is steadier by the day. But as usual, he will turn and look around for support to cruise. Very curious yet cautious character about him that defies logic at times.
This evening, the entire family was out to celebrate my Mom's birthday. He got restless in the highchair after eating his cereal puff & porridge. I carried him and walked around the Tambuah Mas restaurant, pointing out the various masks and statues displayed. Put him near a painting or fake window and he slaps his hand against them. Yet when I stood near a tall wooden statue, he turned away and clung to me for dear life. 2D vs 3D? Mmm...
Labels: Md Ehsan J.