Saturday, August 18, 2007

No fault of mine

Way back in July, I asked my youngest sister what she wanted as her birthday gift. My guesses were along the lines of new pair of pants or tops. She has since outgrew most of her clothes eversince putting on weight. I gave her a month to decide and get back to me.

Within 2 weeks, she told me to pay for new strings of her badminton racket. Come to think of it, yeah it's been a while since I last saw her playing badminton. I had my doubts about the cost. I genuinely had no idea of the price range. But she confidently told me that it would cost about $70. I said ok. Deep in my head & heart I told myself, "If it's gonna cost that much, buy a new racket for her".

Together with Dad, we went to Queensway this afternoon (the gift has since turned into a belated one). Dad requested for the replacement, she left the racket with the shop and off we went to fetch my Mom.

Took her 5 minutes before she blurted out the cost of fixing new strings - $16. I bet she's regretting now.

p.s Giving you till end of this month to decide on another gift. Deal?
