Birthday celebrations
Dad's, Dayah's and Singapore... the family decided to celebrate in unison. All of us gathered in BP Plaza for Family Bowling part 2! (*Part 1*)

Ain opted out from bowling. Fear of losing perhaps? Heehee =) Dayah managed to excuse herself from work and joined us this time.

After 2 rounds of bowling, we headed off to Sakura for late lunch. Jeff's treat!
Followed by a grocery shopping quickie. Dayah made some excuse about having stomachache to buy the birthday cake. The plan backfired - she didn't bring house keys. She smsed me to meet her but parents bumped into us on our way home. So much for surprise...
We caught the National Day Parade show on tv. Dad took his nap. Towards the evening, Dayah brought out the birthday cake to the living room. Happy Birhtday!