Saturday, February 17, 2007


What I wanted to happen:
My plan was to wake up @ 7am. Enjoy a good heavy breakfast, finish off packing and perhaps window shop before checking out to airport.

What actually happened:
I started & finished packing last night. Stayed up and dozed off watching cable television. I woke up @ 9am, barely missing my breakfast. With 2 hours to kill (late check-out), I went and shopped. I didn't burst my luggage but definitely damaged my wallet.

Thank God I'm going home.


Friday, February 16, 2007

Sightseeing in Hong Kong

Training ended slightly early today. Headed back for a rest in the hotel. At half-past six, I stepped out to meet Yan in the lobby.

I'm not much of a shopper. Family, friends & colleagues did mentioned about the Stanley market, Ladies market, Victoria Peak, Bossino & Giordano bargains... but they just didn't appeal to me. Not the shopping anyway. I was more interested to look around.

I saw this:

It's a daily affair from morning to night

Even the cinema queue is not that long.

Yan brought me to several places. So yeah, I did entered Bossino, Giordano and Esprit outlets. Came out unharmed. We went to a tea shop, tidbits shop but I declined when she mentioned Mongkok. It was already 9.30pm. Better to call it a night.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hard work & play...

makes me full & sleepy!


Zaoshang Hao

Good Morning, Hong Kong!

Er, not really a good way to start the day with the news. What say I start with a buffet breakfast instead? =P

Or the simple fact that I had an entire room to myself? On a winter morning?



Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A&J Valentine

A year ago, a baby boy entered my family's life.

Today the same boy...

I have to dip pieces of bread in his cereal.

accompanied me and my mother in the taxi. He looked puzzled at the taxi driver, at his pram being placed in the trunk, observing quietly as we left home. Just before he fell asleep, he said "Da da". =) My mother said he was saying goodbye in advance just in case he is still asleep when I leave.

He woke up minutes before I checked in.

See ya!


Saturday, February 10, 2007


Took us this long to finally meet up for lunch...

Only 1 shot?

Went shopping...

20% discount promo till err...

Before I froze my bum watching this...

"Separated by clashing cultures and sprawling distances, each became profoundly lost"

*checks another item off the list*


Friday, February 09, 2007

With You I'm Born Again

With You I'm Born Again

Come bring me your softness
Comfort me through all this madness
Woman, don't you know, with you I'm born again

Come give me your sweetness
Now there's you, there is no weakness
Lying safe within your arms, I'm born again

I was half, not whole
In step with none
Reaching through this world
In need of one

Come show me your kindness
In your arms I know I'll find this
Woman, don't you know, with you I'm born again
Lying safe with you I'm born again


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sorry to know...

Once in a while, we faced hardships and disappointments in our lives. I admit it can be pretty sucky. Yesterday my sister shared some sad news. We both feel sorry.

To you, I pray for your good health and strong spirit. I pray that you do not give up.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

15 Muharram 1427H...

According to the Islamic calendar, Md Ehsan turns 1 year old today. His parents invited both sides of the family for a birthday dinner treat. Poor boy was very sick. Face was flushed and body was with high temperature.

I had ordered mini cupcakes for the occassion from Ayu. They looked so cute and presentable... almost didn't have the heart to eat them. =)

Waitresses could not find a suitable plate

The little Emperor received plenty of big presents, much to the delight of his mother. In fact his parents even test drive his Santa Fe for him. =P

Get well aite, dear boy. Sorry Aunty won't be around on your actual birthday. Will make up for it during CNY week.

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Friday, February 02, 2007

Canon in D

I remember playing this song as a duet with my piano teacher eons ago. It was great pleasure. Took me weeks before I could master the piece and play with its correct tempo and minimal mistakes.

Yesterday, a friend buzzed me on MSN and showed me this video. A guy playing the song on his electric guitar. Excellent!


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Blogger & Google

I resisted when it was in Beta mode. I persisted even after it was out. Didn't feel the need to change (or upgrade as they say) my account.

I had a choice then.

I guess this month itself, it enforced its application. My other option was to leave.
