Monday, August 29, 2005


I want this ring! Haha! =)

You are a Circular Diamond Ring.
Your ring will be a classic Diamond ring. This
ring is just what every girl wants, but the
most special reason you love it is because your
boyfriend gave it to you. You like all kinds
of things, but you would most definently pick
this out. This ring suits you because you are
a classic type of beauty.

.::How Will Your Ring Look Like?::. ( Beautiful Pictures )
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Stoopid mentality, no-brainer

I received a call from someone out of the blue yesterday evening. Nah, not a secret admirer. An ex-colleague. I smell a rat right away. What's there not to? It's not as if we are close or best buddies. I don't hear from him unless he wants something.

This time round when he called, I thought he was still looking for his vcds (yes, he can be such a goon). So there he was trying to make casual talk while I was giving one-word reply. Then he dropped the bomb.

H: "Eh, do you have credit card?"

Me: "No"

H: "What about your Dad?"

Me: "No, why?"

I sense that he wants to borrow money. Kinda well-known for that too.

H: "I need to borrow $1,000. To pay for this A....."

I didn't bother to hear the rest of his explaination. I'm not talking to a guy who's supporting a family or paying household bills. He can't even support himself enough to buy a packet of cigarettes. This guy walked out of the same workplace twice only to return within a week begging to be accepted again. This guy is too emotional.

The rest of his conversation went in one ear and out the other. It isn't enough that he had the cheek to ask me, he went a step further to suggest that I 'slow talk' with my Dad! Messing with the wrong guy, I dare say. Too bad Dad was not at home or I would have gladly passed the phone to him so that Dad can give this goon a good knockout!

I kept my cool juz enough to keep things under control. Let's see if this thick-skinned no-brainer calls back...

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Description of 1000 words...

That's what ppl say. So let the pics speak...

Guy's side:

Gal's side:

My side:
One lady I met there said I looked familiar. Sorry aunty, I don't recognise you at all. Then there was my sweet cuz Nursha who said I looked like Iwan's fiancee. Ish tak senonoh. =P Whatever it is, I'm looking forward to their marriage insya'allah.
I went around happily snapping photos at everything. More pics...

Next cuzin? Hahah!

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Thank you Mommy Hazel for this.

LISTEN - Anonymous

When I ask you to listen to me,
and you start giving me advice
you have not done what I have asked.

When I ask you to listen to me
and you begin to tell me why I shouldnt feel that way,
you are trampling on my feelings.

When I ask you to listen to me
and you feel that you have to do something to solve my problems,
you have failed me, strange as that may seem.

Listen! All I asked, was that you listen;
not talk or do -- just hear me.
And I can do for myself; I am not helpless.
Maybe discouraged and faltering, but not helpless.

When you do something for me that I can and need to do for myself,
you contribute to my fear and weakness.

But when you accept as a simple fact that I do feel
what I feel, no matter how irrational, then I quit
trying to convince you and get about the business of
understanding what's behind this irrational feeling.
And when that's clear, the answers are obvious,
and I dont need advice.

Thoughts of my schooldays came to mind when I read this. I remember the time when my Physics cum form teacher said this in class, "Ever wonder why people are born with 2 ears & only 1 mouth? To listen more and speak less." =)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Birthday celebrations

Dad's, Dayah's and Singapore... the family decided to celebrate in unison. All of us gathered in BP Plaza for Family Bowling part 2! (*Part 1*)

Ain opted out from bowling. Fear of losing perhaps? Heehee =) Dayah managed to excuse herself from work and joined us this time.

After 2 rounds of bowling, we headed off to Sakura for late lunch. Jeff's treat!

Followed by a grocery shopping quickie. Dayah made some excuse about having stomachache to buy the birthday cake. The plan backfired - she didn't bring house keys. She smsed me to meet her but parents bumped into us on our way home. So much for surprise...

We caught the National Day Parade show on tv. Dad took his nap. Towards the evening, Dayah brought out the birthday cake to the living room. Happy Birhtday!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Thank you...

1. for pointing out the error,

2. for reading my blog. =)

u know what? i checked my organiser and my mobile inbox. true enough... the wrong date was given by YOU! hahaha. well, no harm done other than a slight teeny weeny increase of my blood pressure. juz kidding. =P

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Woah! It's already August? i've got a couple of birthdays to celebrate - Dad's and Dayah's. Family will be celebrating it simulatenously on one weekend. Just a matter of getting Dayah's gift in time though.

There's also my cuz's engagement to attend. Congrats, Iwan! =) I kinda expect him to be the next in line. Ooooo... digicam! Must, must!

What else? Mmm... ooh that Dinner with Makcik. =) Not too late, k? You made me drool too much from the menu.

More classes to attend. Received a thick envelope from school this afternoon. Schedules for revisions, workshops, courses, etc. Will have to set aside time to read thru them over the weekend. Think there's a missing clause in all this lifelong learning experience thingy - fat wallet. =P

For now, SLEEP!