Day by day he stood up and balanced himself. Between us, it has turned into a game. I will count as he stand unaided. First attempt was 10 seconds. His parents bought for him a new pair of nice sandals and over the weekend, I got him to use them and walked outside the house.
My morning routine nowadays are also accompanied with Md Ehsan tailing after me everywhere I go. He will crawl and follow me from the living hall to my room past the dining area to the kitchen, like a shadow. My mom calls it "his morning exercise" because by the time she carries him, he will be perspiring all over. Last Thursday while I was getting ready for work, I noticed that the little boy was attempting to stand and balance every few minutes. Just before I got out of the house, he stood and walked from the coffee table to the piano! Of course I was excited!
I dashed to my room to get hold of my digicam. Md Ehsan quickly crawled and followed me. I looked at him and said "Ehsan, come and follow me" before dashing out of the room.
I stood near the kitchen with my digicam in hand. He crawled out of my room. He supported himself up using the dining chair. Bit by bit, he cruised from one chair to the other chair. With a grin on his face, he took his steps...
Well I was in a hurry. So that was all I could afford.
Back from class last night, he was inches away from the door when I opened it. I "bullied" him into walking several times. My previous attempt to videotape him turned out wrong. This morning I recorded again. I got this:
After all that effort, I showed Md Ehsan the recording. His response: a cheeky grin =)