Md Ehsan nak jalan...
Ain's family went Geylang shopping over one weekend. The following week, while I was getting ready for work, Md Ehsan excitedly narrated to me.
Md Ehsan: "Dah beli baju Ehsan, baju Ayah, baju Ibu. Beli ongkok Ehsan, ongkok Ayah, udong Ibu." (Bought Ehsan's clothes, Dad's clothes, Mom's clothes. Bought Ehsan's headwear, Dad's headwear, Mom's headwear)
Me: "Wah, Ehsan pegi shopping kat Geylang eh?" (Wah, Ehsan went shopping at Geylang?)
Md Ehsan: "Ah ah"
Me: "Ahntie nak pakai baju boleh?" (Can I wear your clothes?)
Md Ehsan: "Tak bleh" (Cannot)
Mom: "Ehsan nak pakai baju pegi mane?" (Where are you going with those clothes?)
Md Ehsan: *after much silence* "Ehsan pakai baju, pakai ongkok, nak jalan" (Ehsan wearing clothes, wearing headwear, to go out)
Mom: "Ehsan nak jalan Ra..." (Ehsan wants to go...)
My mom had taught him the day before.
Md Ehsan: "Ehsan nak go work Bugis!"
Me: "?!!! Go work in baju kurung?"
Md Ehsan: *giggles*
A child's logic? More like his back-up script. Hahaha!
To all Muslims, Eid Mubarak. Wishing you all a blessful Ramadhan, a joyous Syawal and a wonderful year ahead. =)
Labels: Announcements, Md Ehsan J.