It was torture enough going to work in the rain... but the cool weather was something that I looked forward too hence I really didnt mind it much.
I came to work at 8am and realised that there were only 3 of us there. As if to make things worse, the recruitment staff called and requested that my colleague went for her medical check-up. Ros called and tried to explain things out. There was no way we would let her off at that time when we were already short of manpower. After doing all the talking, they finally compromised - my colleague is to attend the briefing first, only to go for the check-up at 10am. They may have well not compromised. She left and never came back. The other colleague who was to arrive at 10am... came an hour later.
For 4 hours, Ros and I handled the long queue of visitors. We were pratically glued to our seats not even daring to leave the place for a toilet break. When we finally rested, it was noon. Both of us were very hungry then. We cleared the queue, requested for permission to have our lunch break together and left only when granted by our relief team leader. All of us figured that 3 ppl stationed there would be enough to tackle the queue of visitors.
The minute Ros and I reported back to our centre, our supervisor called us aside. He was unhappy that one PC was left unstationed and told us of the trouble that he had to go through to get an extra hand from another block. All in the name of controlling the long queue of visitors. Goodness! Are my colleagues that incapable and inefficient?! I definitely do not think so. Had we really needed the extra manpower, then we wouldnt be having lunch together!
Seriously I don't see how big a diff an extra manpower can do to minimise the queue. Definitely wasnt in the right frame of mood and mind at that point of time. Ticked me off when he talked about responsibility. Helloo!?! In the end he warned us not to take our breaks during visiting hours. Ros knew I was pissed. Instead of apologising, Ros just said ok to everything he said and we got back to work.
For the next couple of hours, nobody talked to me. I almost shot one persistent visitor down in my anger. Eventually another colleague sat at my counter while I went to the back and did some admin work. Ros came over and told me "buat bodoh sudah. jgn pedulikan sangat die tu. datang jer nak bising". I just kept quiet. She was right.
Thankfully enough I didnt see the supervisor's face after that. Mind you, my work was from 8am till 9pm. I cant afford to get high blood pressure. Kihkihkih... Somewhere in the evening when we were to have our dinner break, my team leader told Ros and I to have it together. We looked at each other, stared at him and kept quiet. Soon after, I had my dinner consisting of chicken burger at the staff lounge... alone.